one yoga class

Why You Only Need To Take One Yoga Class, Ever

benefits of one yoga class

I’ve taken over 500 hundred yoga classes in my life, which might even be on the low end. But with all the yoga classes I’ve shown up to, none of them did more for me than the one where I unrolled my brand spankin’ new mat for the first time, still smelling of fresh rubber and plastic. You might be thinking, there’s no way a single 75 minute vinyasa flow could actually change your life. Yet, that’s exactly where you’re wrong. In fact, it’s only those 75 minutes that will change your life, the classes that follow are simply a continuation of the path you’ve started down. But if you never opt to enter a lavender-scented studio again, here’s why a single class is still worth your time.

Yoga offers a different work-out experience than other fitness classes. Depending on the type of yoga, you can build an unbelievable amount of strength, balance, and flexibility over time. In fact, one could argue that yoga is the only thing you need to stay in shape..but more on that later. Although the results are similar to other physical activities, yoga opens up your mind along with your body. Your first class is, often times, the first instance you view your body as vessel. Which means what, exactly? Well, while we know we have a mix up of bones holding us upright and blood streaming through our veins inside, yoga opens our eyes to the other parts. Ya know, the other things. It’s our bodies that hold our thoughts, our souls, our breath and all of our love (which can be heavy). They might not show up on an x-ray, but they’re in there, #trust.

When you’re on your mat, you are working on more than your physical presence. You’re working on how to use these other parts to make you better as a whole. When our breath matches our movement, when our thoughts reflect how we want to feel, when our love is for ourselves and not just given away, we are far more successful in whatever we wish to accomplish. And here’s the thing that yoga teachers don’t tell you—>Once you’ve opened up this new way of thinking, you can’t go back. You’ll be putting the same intention into all of your routines. Spin class? Are you inhaling strength and imagining your legs moving with ease? You will be now. Stressful meeting? Are you recognizing these feelings and working through them rather than pushing them away to only pop up later? You betcha.

utthita hasta padangusthasana
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (easier done than said)

You view your body as constantly evolving. Rather than always putting yourself at a beginning point and believing you can’t be content until you achieve x, y, and z, yoga meets you where you are. Every pose can be modified or amplified to fit you, not the other way around. One yoga class shows you how so little time can change so much. You’re beginning downward dog will be stiff, calves tighten, shoulders crunched, neck strained. And then, you do it again. And again. And by your fourth downward dog, yous heels dip a bit lower, your shoulders slowly sink away from your ears and you release your neck. An extended amount time is not always needed for growth and progress, just a little yoga-teacher-assist can change the entire way you view your body: the tensing up you have an idea you were doing, the habitual clenching you hadn’t bothered to notice.

You learn to do you best, and recognize how that will differ from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. Your best is going to change, and that’s okay. The beginning of class your strength might allow you to hold you plank with the fierceness of a warrior king, but six chaturangas later your best might be belly-flopping to the ground #beentheredonethat. When you redefine ‘doing you best’, you can treat yourself with a gentleness and kindness that replaces the negative talk you have when you didn’t do what you *thought* you should be capable of doing. We are always capable, it’s the objective that you must allow to shift.

Lastly, yoga introduces you to the view that by working on yourself, you on working on everything around you. Your family, your friends, your community. Yoga itself means unity, and by finding the open parts of you and filling them up with the goodness, you are better able to serve yourself and  others. A sentiment I use often in my classes: you can not pour from an empty cup. Looking out for yourself is not selfish, but the most generous thing you can do.

Like a dam with a single crack that inevitably will open up for floods of water pouring out, yoga offers a similar experience within our bodies. Once we allow ourselves to crack, even just a little bit open, it’s hard, nah, impossible, to stop us from overflowing with the benefits yoga has for us.

Taking one yoga class opens all of these modes of thinking, about our bodies, our minds, and everything surrounding them. So even if you never roll out your mat again, you have created a passageway to viewing yourself, and others, with a kindness and sensitivity that can’t be undone. Even more likely, once you step off your mat, you’ll be counting down the minutes until you can step back on it. But hey, that could just be me.

Have you tried yoga? What’s the one thing stopping you if you haven’t? I’d like to know!


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Welcome to Namastay Traveling! I'm Juliette, a 20-something certified yogi living in Washington, D.C. Follow along as I share my travel adventures while striving to achieve mindfulness along the way. Here you'll find helpful travel itineraries along with ways to practice peace while abroad. The adventurer in me honors the adventurer in you.

18 thoughts on “Why You Only Need To Take One Yoga Class, Ever”

  1. I have bee practicing yoga for 17 years. I have taken classes all over thr country and different styles. If I can’t get to a class, I roll my mat out at home and flow until my hearts content. Yoga has helped me become a better person. I value and appreciate my mat time a few times each week and have incorporated some poses/postures with my clients. I truly believe what you have stated, you can’t pour from an empty cup, and I really try to make my physical, emotional, and mental health a priority. Excellent read, Juliette.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My yoga class number is extremely low, I’ve only ever been to one! And the worst part is that I bought two yoga mats, that have been unopened haha But I like how you talk about the self-care element in yoga. I also didn’t even think about the flexibility aspect of it, but it’s true! I’m so stiff, I should really try out yoga again. Thank you for this!


  3. so you are about 500 yoga classes ahead of me, ha! But I have been considering taking one because as I get older as you said, its more than just about losing weight of physical appearance. I need to start improving my flexibility as a man. So is your one and only class (Vinyasa) a good option for a virgin or should I start elsewhere?


    1. Vinyasa is a great place to continue your practice, but most studios will offer a vinyasa basics or vinyasa for beginners class to introduce you to the postures! This well help ease you into an all-levels/intermediate vinyasa, which can move quickly and be a littler more complicated. Yin is also an awesome alternative. It’s for beginners-to-advanced and focuses on holding deep postures for several minutes, it’s wonderful! Let me know how it goes!


  4. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to try yoga more than after reading your post. It’s very inspiring and makes the thought of it very appealing. I’ve been meaning to take a class forever, but from the sound of it, I need to hop it now!


  5. I love this post. I remember leaving my first yoga class. I was a sweaty mess and I smelled like peppermint oil from a built-in temple massage during savasana. It. Was. Amazing. I left feeling like an entirely new human with a greater appreciation of both yoga and life. When it’s a routine part of my fitness practice, I am much happier and healthier person.


  6. It took me multiple tries to become a committed yogi, but I STILL remember my first classes (one in high school, and another in college when my friend dragged me to hot yoga). This past year I finally became a consistent follower, and it has changed my life. My commitment aligned perfectly with my friends year of teaching, and I can clearly see how my practice has seeped into my daily life, giving me mindfulness, gratitude, and awareness. One class WILL change your life, because you will never forget how it made you feel, and even if it takes years to find consistency, I believe it’ll happen at the exact moment you need it!


    1. So beautifully stated! I couldn’t agree more. It took me a couple years to finally welcome yoga into my life full-time, and now I can’t imagine ever going back! Thanks for sharing the yogi love<3


  7. Excellent read Juliette 🙂 I think yoga will help with muscle strength for dance as I’m a Latin American dancer. My hamstrings are usually the worst when it comes to flexibility and strength.


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